Tuesday, January 6, 2009


One of my favorite new tools to utilize in the classroom is the Clicker. A teacher in my department received grant money to purchase a classroom set of clickers and I have been fortunate to utilize them this year. This technology allows me to establish a set of questions I want my students to answer. Each student has a clicker which is basically a fancy remote control. The students then answer the multiple choice, true/false, and yes or no questions that I have projected onto the screen. At the end of the questioning period, the results can be projected for the class. Graphs are established that show what percentage of the class got each question correct. It also displays an individual percentage and what questions were missed. I have only used this as a lesson or unit review but some teachers utilize it as an actual quiz.

My students seem to love using the clickers. There is something about holding the remote in your hand and sending your answer to the receiver that keeps them interested. I really like using the clickers because you can get a good sense of where all of the students are at with comprehending the lesson. Every student answers all of the questions. I also like to go back and consider why kids missed certain questions. Perhaps I did not cover the topic thoroughly or it was just a very challenging question.

If you are interested in more information here is a link to the site our clickers were purchased from http://www.smartroom.com/.

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