Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Using Blogs in My Classroom

I have been brainstorming ideas on how blogs could be utilized in my classroom. There are a couple of ideas that are very intriguing to me. One area where a blog could be used successfully would be in my Horticulture class. This class is composed primarily of sophomore through senior students. The course is heavy in lab work focusing on topics such as parts of plants and their functions, photosynthesis, propagation, and various greenhouse applications. Students utilize the scientific method to work through experiments related to the various topics. Each student develops a lab summary upon completion.

The lab summary has been submitted to me in the form of a report in the past. I would like to see this submitted in the form of a blog. The criteria for the lab summary would remain virtually the same. Students would be required to share the hypothesis they developed, materials utilized, lab procedure, and results. They would also be required to include a chart or graph that summarizes the results, an explanation of why they felt the hypothesis was proved or disproved, and any further questions or ideas that resulted from the lab. As a new step, I would have the students include digital pictures of their lab process. I would also require the students to read the lab summaries of their classmates and thoughtfully contribute comments to two other students.

Utilizing a blog in this way would have multiple purposes. First, it would serve as a place for the students to display their work. Knowing that others will have access to their blogs may motivate them to do their very best they can. The blog will become a kind of digital portfolio as all of their lab summaries would be accessible. Second, the blog would serve as place for the students to interact about the content. Student comprehension of the material would be increased by answering questions others may have and receiving explanations for questions they may have. The lessons would definitely be enhanced by the motivation the students would have to display their best work and carrying out discussions related to the lab. The rigor and relevance of the content would be increased by utilizing a blog in this way.

I have never had students use blogs in my classes before so I am certain there are some components of my idea that may need further consideration. I would appreciate any feedback you may have that would help me be more successful with this idea.


  1. Hi Jenny,

    You have created a great plan for using blogs in your classroom. Students will enjoy sharing their graphs, charts and especialy their pictures. Do you believe students will have difficulty in using the software required for creating the blogs and uploading the files? Do all of your students have access to computers at home? By carefully and critically considering questions such as these we can begin, along with our students, our journey through the blogging world.


  2. Jenny,
    This is a wonderful way for students to display their work. You said that you would have the students post blogs at the end of the lab. What about posting during the process as well? This would give them more opportunity to collaborate and turn in a better finished product. What if you could find a way to elicit feedback from professionals in the business? Remember what Richardson said in our class text? His class blogged with the author of The Secret Life of Bees. The possibilities of this is mind boggling!
    -Shannon L.

  3. Hi Jenny,
    That is a great plan! This plan will give your students the opportunity to share what they learn in your classroom with peers from other classrooms or schools. However, my only concern for this kind of plan is the access to the internet for students at home. In addition, how often do your students have access to the computer lab at your school?

  4. Miriam, Shannon, and Howayda,

    Thanks for the positive feedback and helpful suggestions. I am fortunate this semester to have a small group of students in Horticulute. I will be able to provide them with time in class to create their blogs as I have access to about 10 computers during that time. The first couple of entries that we do will be done with the lab partner so that they can get the feel for blogging together. Shannon, I love your idea of trying to get professionals involved in the blog.

